About Susan Ilka

Nice to meet you
Hello there, welcome, and thank you for visiting! My name is Susan Ilka and my pronouns are she/they. I live in the woods of Maine and I am a psychic medium/spirit messenger, green witch, folk herbalist and owner of In the Wood Botanicals, photoartist, and author of Green Witch Magick.
Just as human beings are beautifully unique individuals, so are psychic mediums, and no two will ever be exactly alike in how they connect with Spirit and convey Spirit's messages. For me, the gift of psychic mediumship blossomed later in life, with what I believe to be the "right timing" and a spiritual readiness on my part, and a reconnecting with my spirit guide Ike.
My Mediumship Story
Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a sensitive empath with a keen sixth sense and strong connection to a loved one in the Spirit World. I welcomed this bond, which always felt loving, good, and protective, and provided me with a variety of extraordinary spiritual encounters. In my early fourties, direct and regular communication with this loved one in Spirit began to flourish.
At age 48 my extrasensory skills changed drastically, almost overnight. The transformation coincided with the coming of one of my other spirit guides and mediumship partner, Ike. I now have the ability of spirit mediumship, where I communicate not only with my spirit guides/loved ones in Spirit, but also with the spirits around others. I sense them, hear them speak, communicate telepathically, see visions of them, get feelings and impressions in ways that I hadn't before (I'll expound on that more in the WHAT TO EXPECT and FAQ pages).
Upon turning 50, I decided to take the next step by offering mediumistic readings outside of my small circle and comfort zone. The readings I've had the privilege of doing for clients have been very special, meaningful readings filled with evidence (Spirit providing details I couldn't possibly know for validation's sake) and loving guidance and support from the other side. The reactions and responses I'm getting from clients is confirmation that this is work I am meant to be doing in service to Spirit.
Mediumship as an Act of Service
My role as a medium is to help my clients connect with loved ones in Spirit and receive their guiding, loving, healing messages. Another part of my mission is to help clients feel their innate connection to Spirit, become more aware of their soul's journey, and come to know that they are a part of something beyond what they do and identify with in this life. Spirit wants us to know that we are special and loved, that we are here in this "earth school" to learn, connect with the essence of who we are and with the essences of others, and evolve. We are here to share our gifts and fulfill our life's plan. The decisions we make and the actions we take are important and they matter. You matter. They want us to know that we never truly die and that the soul goes on after death. I'm not here to convince you or give you proof, or prove or defend what I know as my own personal truth. I am here to dedicate my energy to being of service: to share messages from Spirit that you can use to help you find your own personal knowing, if you so choose.
I'm very much a human student in this "earth school" in the grand scheme of life, as is everyone, and I'm connecting with and exploring this gift, discovering what my strengths are, as well as my limitations.
Keep in mind that the messages don't come from me. I am not the source. I am a medium in service to Spirit. The messages come through me with help from what I like to call a Spirit Team made up of my guides and the loving spirits around you.
You can learn more about what a reading with me is like at the pages WHAT TO EXPECT and FAQS.
It is a privilege to help you connect with Spirit, so that you may receive their loving guidance, comfort, reassurance, and healing words.
Susan Ilka and Ike (Susan Ilka's spirit guide extraordinaire)

"I am a medium in service to Spirit. We work together to convey messages from Spirit that are meant for the person to receive, and each reading is a unique experience. The messages come from higher places of loving energy, healing, good intention, and wisdom."
Align with the natural cycles of the earth as you explore the 13 essential plants every green witch must know and have in their garden and cupboard for healing, spellwork, and divination.
Plants are a sacred offering from Mother Earth. And witches have always known and understood their healing and magickal powers. Plants hold sustenance, medicine, and wisdom. They gift us with the essentials we need to live and thrive. In return, they ask to be used for the highest good. This is the path of the green witch. With Green Witch Magick, learn how to reconnect with this sacred knowledge.
‘In the Wood Botanicals’ is a line of plant-based body care products made primarily with simple plant allies I’ve reverently and responsibly foraged from the woods, fields, and riverside that surround my home here on the Kennebec River in Maine. I co-create with the magnificent plants to craft small batches of high-quality, nourishing products to support your radiant health and well-being.

Frequent contributor:
Enchanted Living Magazine
Botanical Anthology
Regular columnist:
Witchology Magazine.
The Practical Wellness Podcast
with host Jaya Jaya Myra: Listen Now